You're spending more time outdoors and opening your windows to eliminate the dry, stale air of the winter and breathing in a fresh spring breeze. Spring cleaning is in the air, and while you might be cleaning out your car, closet, and other areas of your home, have you considered cleaning your air ducts?
Cleaning your air ducts in the spring may not be at the top of your to-do list, but there are reasons why.
Humidity + Dust = Mold
Think about how often you dust your furniture to maintain it in a clean and shiny condition, now imagine what your air ducts will be like after a year. As the warmer humid months approach, the dust that accumulated in your ducts can become sticky and cause mold. Air ducts should be cleaned in the spring, especially if you or anyone in your family suffers from respiratory problems.
Your System Deserves a Break
Many people use the transition from winter to spring (and then to summer) as an opportunity to open their windows instead of turning on their furnace or air conditioner. Why not clean your air ducts now while your HVAC system is on vacation?
Air Quality Improvements
Trees sprout, flowers bloom, and plenty of pollens and allergens linger, causing difficulty for your family's respiratory system. Keep your air vents clean to prevent this. Smokers' chemicals, along with fur from your pets, can also stay in your home through ventilation systems.
You'll save money by cleaning the air ducts no matter when you do it because the system will be more efficient, which will result in your home's systems working longer.
The Best Days to Get Duct Cleaning
Clean the air ducts in the springtime. But when is it worthwhile to accomplish this project?
Whether you haven't cleaned your air ducts in several years or only a few, it’s a great time to do so. You’ll feel better knowing your HVAC system is clean and efficient.
Don't wait any longer to call Restoration 1 of Lehigh Valley for mold remediation in your home.